Thursday, April 03, 2003

Good read. Where do they get young men like this?

Maybe all of those virtues, like charity and unselfishness, taught to these young men by the vast right-wing, Christian conspiracy have some value after all. CNN probably isn't sharp enough to catch that though.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Yeah, I know it has been a while. Things got busy after th three foot snow storm and my Grandpa's death. I couldn't pass up commenting on this one. The New York Times has an article detailing the warm reception US soldiers received from Iraqis in one town. The last paragraph was the best. Speaking of minefields that the fleeing Iraqi soldiers left and that the US soldiers were clearing, the article says, "Lt. Col. Duke Deluca, noting that the mines had been made in Italy, said, 'Europeans are antiwar, but they are pro-commerce.'"

I wonder what the French, Germans and Russians were selling?