Saturday, December 30, 2006

I've moved lexicon augmentation to its own blog

I've decided to shift my lexicon augmentation posts to their own blog in order to make this blog less cluttered. The words will be posted in the right column but you will have to click on the word to get the definition.

Can is pitching a fit

The other day Can opened up the fridge and pulled out a jug of eggnog and started chugging. I'm not sure where he got this idea, but I thought it was pretty cute and so I took a picture.

Now he is pitching a fall down on the ground, legs flailing fit because we won't let him drink from the milk jug. Its not as cute, so I didn't take a picture.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Can in his new slippers

Mom asked me to edit her out, but I really wanted to show cute Can and his Lightning McQueen slippers.

Time to make the donuts

The boys after making donuts on the 23rd.

Images - Tall trees

I love to stand and look up at the tops of the tall trees in the forest. They look so majestic way up there. (taken 12/17/06)

What was so bad about 2006?

This morning I heard a radio DJ make a comment that left me shaking my head. I can't remember the exact wording he used, but he was basically saying that he hopes that 2007 isn't as bad as the past year. He didn't specifically name any of the problems that he was bemoaning, but I was left with the impression that he was talking about how bad things are in America with Bush and the Republicans at the helm.

I just don't see why people think that 2006 was such a bad year. The left has everybody brainwashed into thinking that things are really bad in America right now, but I bet if you looked at the lives of most Americans, they are doing pretty well. Overall, the economy is great. We have plenty of food and clothing. More people own homes than ever before. We have access to more electronic gadgets than we could really want and way more than we need. From the world's point of view, life is pretty darn good in America. Sure we are at war but it really doesn't have a very big impact on the lives of most Americans. I bet most people don't really think about it except when the main-stream media throws out another biased report about how bad things are in Iraq. Compare this to other wars that America has faced in the past and you'd hardly know we were at war. Instead of 8000 dead per month, as in WWII, this war averages ~50 deaths per month. I am sorry to see any brave young men give up their lives, and I honor those who put themselves in harms way to keep the war off of our shores. But even with the war, which started long before 2006, life is good in America. I wish that people would stop buying into the left's American sob story and recognize how good we have it.

Update (01/01/07): I just came across a couple of articles (1 and 2)related to this subject. A good line from the first one:
Democrats were more likely than Republicans to have a negative view of the past year, and were less likely to feel optimistic looking forward.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

"Looking back on the follies of the year ahead"

Lileks makes some humorous comments about the scary reality we face in the coming year. Here's a sample:
North Korea returned to the negotiating table and announced it wants a Playstation 3 and a ham sandwich. Also a pony. Talks broke up when the Americans refused to supply a Playstation because they bought North Korea an Xbox last time, and it just sat in the closet.

Images - Gone South

As the leaves fall from the trees, the old birds nests in the back forest stand out. (taken 12/17/06)

Lexicon augmentation - disquisition

dis·qui·si·tion [dis-kwuh-zish-uhn]
a formal discourse or treatise in which a subject is examined and discussed; dissertation.

[Origin: 1595–1605; <>disquīsītiōn- (s. of disquīsītiō), equiv. to disquīsīt(us) (ptp. of disquīrere to investigate; dis- dis-1 + quaerere to seek, ask) + -iōn- -ion]


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Lexicon augmentation - antediluvian

an·te·di·lu·vi·an [an-tee-di-loo-vee-uhn]
1.of or belonging to the period before the Flood. Gen. 7, 8.
2.very old, old-fashioned, or out of date; antiquated; primitive: antediluvian ideas.
3.a person who lived before the Flood.
4.a very old or old-fashioned person or thing.

[Origin: 1640–50; ante- + L dīluvi(um) a flood, deluge + -an]

Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas morning part 3

Christmas morning part 3

Christmas morning part 2

Christmas morning part 2

Christmas morning part 1

Christmas morning part 1

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Can licking cookie

Just a cute video of Can licking a very big Christmas cookie.

Save me from the madness

A typical night at our house. Poor Mom!