Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Global Cooling

In a surprising reversal of its recent report that higher levels of SUV use and cow flatulence are leading to increasing global temperatures, the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced new scientific evidence that unequivocally demonstrates a link between increased atmospheric carbon levels and overall worldwide cooling.

The EU was quick to accept this new evidence, and at a rally in Paris this afternoon the French President, Jacques Chirac, chided the US for its sluggish response to the UN's demand that the wealthiest nation in the world needs to begin immediately stockpiling food and supplies to support the rest of the world through this immanent global freeze.

Update: OK, it was just a joke, if not a very good one. If you clicked on the links and listened to the sound clips you will probably recognize them from the movie Ice Age. What struck me was how much these clips sound like the kinds of things being said by the global warming crazies. The movie is obviously mocking the do-do birds, but the world today embraces the far out hysterics being spouted about global warming. For instance, that we've altered the earth's temperatures for hundreds or thousands of years to come or that if we change or actions today we can avoid the worst of the catastrophes that are otherwise immanent.