Monday, February 19, 2007

You'd never know the rest of us are freezing

OK, so it's not truly cold here in NC like it is elsewhere in the states, but since we set our thermostat at 65 degrees it feels as cold in the house as if it was -20 degrees outside and we set our thermostat at 65 degrees. Why, you ask, do we keep the temperature so low if we are all freezing? Of course, anything we can do to try to slow global warming is worth the sacrifice :-). OK, its really more about slowing the financial drain on our checking account, but I can pretend to be as global warming conscious as those in the ivory tower in which I spend most of my time.

Yesterday Can decided he wanted his summer Winnie-the-Pooh pajamas on for his nap. When pressed about the cold, he finally made the concession of putting on his sleevless fleece vest, but spend the day wandering around like it was the middle of muggy summer. What you don't see is that the rest of us are in sweats and fleece jackets, with the occasional stocking cap, to keep us from succombing to hypothermia.
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