Friday, March 09, 2007

"Abortion is better for the baby" Huh?

I was listening to the Michael Medved show yesterday and he was talking about another report that denigrates marriage as a just a quaint tradition of the past and a trifle for the rich. The report is based on a skewed interpretation of statistics which show that wealthier people tend to get married. As Michael points out, the more accurate interpretation of these results is that those who get married tend to do better financially.

While taking calls, the discussion turned to children born out of wedlock. Then a girl called in who said that she had been living with her boyfriend for two years before finding out that she was pregnant. She stated that after weighing her options, "The best thing for both me, my boyfriend and ultimately the baby was to have an abortion." Am I missing something here? How is abortion ever better for the baby? What she should have said is that she and her boyfriend are so selfish that it was better to kill a baby than to take any personal responsibility for their actions. Instead, she tries to make it sound like she is doing something noble for the baby by sacrificing it's life.