Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas excitement mounts early at the Cheeve household

Much to my chagrin I didn't get the Christmas lights up this weekend while it was 70 degrees outside. I'm sure it will be cold and rainy next weekend when I finally find time to do it. My wife got some indoor decorations up at the end of last week and we will probably put up the fake Christmas tree tonight for our family home evening activity. The five year old, Dec, is really getting excited about Christmas. On Saturday he decided that he had better get some milk and cookies out for Santa. My wife tried to explain that it might be a bit early to do this, but he couldn't be dissuaded so she capitulated and helped him get the goodies together for the jolly old elf. When next I was aware of the scene nothing but crumbs and a few drops of milk remained. I began to wonder if perhaps the computer had ensorcelled me again such that I was held entranced by the ever flowing source of useless information right through December and the Christmas festivities. Dec informed me that he got tired of waiting and decided to let Sul have the cookies while he drank the milk himself. I’m quite sure that Santa was disappointed at not receiving these early treats, but I daresay that he will find another means of maintaining his less-than trim figure until the 25th rolls around.

Now where did I put that bowl of ice cream?