Friday, January 26, 2007

Puke and concussions

Yesterday was a sick day at our house. Poor Dec spent the night curled up at the head of his bed with no covers after he was sick in the middle of his bed. We keep our house pretty cold at night so the poor boy must have been miserable.

While I was at work, I got a phone call from the school. I'm not sure why they always call me instead of calling Mom at home. The said that Mad was complaining of a headache and a stomach ache, and he had a low-grade fever of 99 degrees. This is the third time I've received one of these calls this year so I wasn't very pleased, or convinced. I asked to speak to him and he pretty much failed to convince me that he was sick, but I called Mom to let her know. When I arrived home I found out that she had picked him up. I was informed that he made a few attempts to look puny before settling into his normal home demeanor. When I got home I told him that from now on there had better not be any more phone calls unless chunks had been blown.

When I was a boy the hard and fast rule was that unless you threw up or had a pretty bad fever, you were going to school. Once when I called home after getting my head banged on the ice during recess my Mom said that I knew that Dad would not allow me to come home. I told her that I had barfed, which isn't necessarily a good sign after getting hit on the head, so she picked me up and took me to the hospital. They said that I had a concussion so I guess it was a good thing she came and got me.

When I got home, Can toddled over to me and then started crying. I couldn't see anything wrong, but he just didn't seem right. I was a little worried about holding him as he was drinking red juice and I had experienced the surprise puke of a two year old before, but he seemed to settle down. I got out the barf bowl anyway and we sat down to eat. Sure enough a few minutes into the meal, he started making some strange noises and we just got the bucket placed in time to save everybody's dinner from a shower. Of course, this kind of thing doesn't help the old appetite much.

Fortunately, today everybody seems better. Hopefully we're done with that adventure.