Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Child care and bad behavior

This NY Times article reports on the findings from a recent study of children in daycare. Not surprisingly, at least to me, they found that child care had a detrimental effect on the children's behavior.

Refering to the debate over whether sending kids to daycare is harmful:
The debate reached a high pitch in the late 1980s, during the so-called day care wars, when social scientists questioned whether it was better for mothers to work or stay home. Day care workers and their clients, mostly working parents, argued that it was the quality of the care that mattered, not the setting. But the new report affirms similar results from several smaller studies in the past decade suggesting that setting does matter.
An interesting quote:
“They knew this would be disturbing news for parents, but at some point, if that’s what you’re finding, then you have to report it.”
But will parents do anything about it?

(HT to Dennis Prager)